contains subordinate nodes that can be displayed by clicking the icon; | |
contains subordinate nodes that are currently displayed and can be hidden by clicking the icon; or | |
is a bottom level node that cannot expanded. |
The proportion of space used by the browse and selection panels can be adjusted by dragging the dividing border between them to the left or right.
If the browse tree contains a large number of records, the tree will be divided into pages and a navigation bar shown at the top of the displayed page to allow you to retrieve the other pages, one at a time.
You can browse the tree, expanding and collapsing branches by clicking on the expand/collapse branch icons. Clicking on a node name selects that node, causing the associated selection list to be updated. When browsing a Series tree, selecting a node will also cause the associated series record to be displayed in the main display pane.
If the selection list associated with any node contains a large number of records the first page will be displayed, and a navigation bar shown at the top of the list to allow you to retrieve the remaining pages, one at a time.
Browse forms are designed to retrieve records associated with the classifying information contained in the browse tree. However, before any node is clicked, the record selection list contains the names of unclassified records (i.e. records that are not associated with any node in the browse tree).
You can use this initial list to select unclassified data for display, but once a node has been selected, there is no way of using the browse tree to redisplay the unclassified record list. If you want to return to the unclassified list you will need to reload the browse tree. This can be done by clicking the relevant menu option.
You may browse materials in the catalogue by series, function, keyword or category.
Context information (persons or agencies), may be browsed by function.